Developing leaders around you – part 2

Jag har tidigare delat första halvan av denna bok med dig. Nu är det dags för den andra halvan.
Och jag vill fortfarande rekommendera den 🙂

Boken är skriven på engelska så jag låter dessa delade passager vara kvar på originalspråket. Enjoy!

Having the right players determines 60 to 80 percent of the success of any organization.

1. A dream team coach chooses the players well
I want the people close to me to:
Know my heart – this takes time for both of us and desire on their part.
Be loyal to me – They are an extension of me and my work.
Be trustworthy – The must not abuse authority, power of confidences.
Be discerning – The make decisions for me.
Have a servant´s heart – They carry a heavy load because of my high demands.
Be a good thinker – Our two heads are better than one.
Be a finisher – They take authority and carry out the vision.
When a person displays those qualities, I know he or she has the potential to play on my dream team.
2. A dream team coach constantly communicates the game plan
3. A dream team coach takes the time to huddle
4. A dream team coach knows what his or hers players prefer
5. A dream team coach excels in problem solving
6. A dream team coach provides the support for success
7. A dream team coach commands the respect of the players
8. A dream team coach does not treat everyone the same
9. A dream team coach continues to win
10. A dream team coach understands the levels of the players

Delegation is the most powerful tool leaders have.
I delegate in the following steps:
Ask them to be fact finders only.
Ask them to make suggestions.
Ask them to implement one of their recommendations, but only after you give your approval.
Ask them to take action on their own, but to report the results immediately.
Give complete authority.

People development is life-changing for everyone involved.
To examine what value I had added to leaders, I asked about ten people to give me some feedback. I requested: “Tell me about the value I add to you and the value I receive from you so that we can teach others what we do.”

Look for opportunities to share your self with people.

People become empowered when you provide them with three things: Opportunity, Freedom and Security.

A leader who produces other leaders multiplies his influence.
True success comes only when every generation continues to develop the next generation.

How big we think determines the size of our accomplishments.

Progress and innovation are made by people who think without lines. (line = limitation set by other)



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