magical questions

by | Nov 22, 2015 | Artiklar | 0 comments

I found questions in the book “Time to think – Listening to ignite the human mind”. I believe they are both magical and scientific. Mostly magical for me. That´s how I want to perceive some things on this spaceship, Magical Mother Earth. Below you´ll find the questions in the order they are presented in the book.

  1. What do you want to think about? Is there anything more that you think/feel/want to say about this?
  2. What do you want the session to achieve at this point?
  3. What are you assuming (that is stopping your achieving that goal)? (To find the bedrock assumption:) That is possible, but what are you assuming that makes that stopping you? What is your positive opposite of that assumption?
  4. If you knew that (new, freeeing assumption)….what ideas would you have toward that goal?
  5. Write down the incisive question.
  6. What quality do respect in each other?

I will go about answering some of them later here. Meanwhile – do you want to be asked these questions by me? I will provide the space and time for you – all you have to do is ask.




  1. bortglömd? – Therese Tess Mabon - […] magical questions […]

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