December 7th, 2015

by | Dec 7, 2015 | Artiklar | 0 comments

Trying to “figure something out” rarely works. The reason for the is when you try to figure something out you have stopped all movement. Your mind is spinning around and around in the same energy. It likely does not have enough information – if it did, a decision would be easy.

When your are trying to figure something out, you are using your mind. Your mind is the operating system of your ego self, the part of you that wishes to keep everything the same. Your ego does not embrace growth, expansion or enlightenment. It seeks to keep you small.

The operating system of your soul is your heart. Feel into it what you need to decide. Will it bring you joy? Are you trying to please others? If there was no other human being on earth that you needed to consider, would your decision be the same? Allow yourself to be the expert of your own unique path!

If you are not sure what to do, surrender! Surrender into the flow for the highest outcome. Choose the path of ease, and the path of joy. Ask your guides and helpers for assistance, for signs and clarity. Stay true to what you wish to create, knowing that what is good for you highest good, must also be for the highest good of all. But most of all, get in touch with what you feel at a heart level. You cannot find, or create, your heart´s desires if you do not know what they are.

Repost from Star Seed Wisdom. Words resonating within me. Had to share them with you. 


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