inspiration till lekfullhet

by | May 2, 2017 | Artiklar | 0 comments

Idag kommer min inspiration till lekfullhet från Ido Portal som jag följer på Instagram. Och jag leker vidare med det han skriver om lek. Att du kan dra paralleller inte bara till det fysiska med din kropp och vad den klarar – utan du kan även dra paralleller till en organisation. Eller din mentala värld. Eller din existentiella värld. Eller din emotionella värld. Eller till samhället i stort.

Jag undrar hur det ser ut den dagen vi inser att vi leker hela tiden, men att vi gör vår lek så himla viktig. Tänk om det inte fanns tävlingar, regler, etc utan vi kom liksom bara överens om det som behövdes just här och nu – och om vi är oense?
Ja, då använder vi oss av “Ultimate Frisbee”´s enkla regel:
Backa tillbaka till det stället/den gången när vi alla var överens – börja om därifrån.

It’s my birthday today and a good time to write about a subject close to my heart: PLAY. ‘Finite and Infinite Games’ by James Carse is one nice read on this important subject. Finite games are played to win. Infinite games are played to sustain the play. Here is an infinite little game that can be mistaken to a finite one. We play to keep playing, taking up to two punches on the ball each, attempting to keep the ball going. Such a scenario offers the body a lot of possibilities to reorganize, get accurate, coordinate footwork, posture and hand-eye and develop sensitivity, agility, speed. If you play just this game all your life, you will become specialized and benefits in general movement development will halt. You’ll play it great but you’ll suck at new challenges. The trick is to use countless new scenarios, tasks and finite and infinite games to continue to grow LATERALLY. I’ve been using hundreds of tasks, challenges, kinetic koans and games to develop myself and my students over the last decade. Results are… out there for you to observe. If you think this one is easy, I urge you to try. Use a tennis ball with close fist and work with a friend- try to sustain 10,20 or 30 ball transfers. Sustain the play as long as you can – TOGETHER. You might be surprised. Enjoy! * for more education on the subject of applied, directed play for movement development join us in one of our upcoming events in Brazil or Europe – link in bio. #movementculture #idoportal #play #infinitegames

Ett inlägg delat av Ido Portal (@portal.ido)

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